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Two Steps To Realizing Your Dreams


Summary - The secret is detailing

I have a dream, to save RM12,000 by the end of the year.

We always have this kind of resolution very early in a year. By the end of the year, we usually already forget the resolution entirely and start a new one. Where do we go wrong? and why am I talking about resolution when it's no where near the 1st of January? :)

It's because, there should never be a specific date for planning your future. It is more achievable and easier if we keep reviewing them all year long.

Oh ya, so where do we go wrong? The reason our resolution always left incomplete is because we never plan the details.

1) See achievement as things you can visualize

Confused? well don't be, what I'm saying is that we must always know what we want. If we want to be successful, define what do we meant by successful, is it money? if yes.. then how much money? when should we have that amount of money?

In short, instead of saying we want to be successful, detail it with another format, maybe - "I want to have RM10,000 by 31st December in cash"

Of course there are other definition of success, the above are only examples. Maybe you can say this, "I want to reduce my weight to 60kg by 31st December", or "I want to finish 2 books, both done in 2 months."

Note : Set realistic goals.. you just can't dream of saving RM1 million, when you only earn RM5K per month,

2) Go for details

Let me take the dream to save RM12,000 by the end of the year. So don't stop there, how are you going to save RM12K? break it down, you will need to save RM1000 per month. Ask again, how to save RM1000 per month? This will be very tedious, I assure you. But if you cannot save RM1000 per month, how on earth are you going to achieve that RM12K by year end?

Check all your expenditure, where can you reduce.. maybe you don't need Astro after all, since you just don't have the time to watch, That would already be RM100 saved. Maybe change your postpaid line to prepaid. Check these things.

If you hit a dead end, when you have just squeezed everything and still not enough to save RM1000 per month, change your end of year target. Maybe reduce it to RM9000.

It is not my intention to describe how to save money. What I'm presenting here is that, to achieve that target, we need to breakdown to the very detail on how to achieve it.

That goes the same to all target, whether to reduce weight, or to get that promotion. Anything! Let's do this first, shall we?

Anyway, what's your dream? what do you want to achieve from this last 4 months of 2007? Care to share?

--------------- Personal Note --------------------------
One of my first dream achieved was to buy a pc. I dreamt it for a long time and when I checked my saving, it was only RM100 above. I was frustrated. Then only I realized this method from my reading. And I went for a very sudden change in my lifestyle. No more going to movie, or weekend trip to Ipoh. My diet also changed to save. Alhamdulillah, not long (still about a year) after that, I bought a decent PC priced at RM1600.

Basically you want it, you have to do something to get it. :)

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007 additional ideas